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September is Self-Improvement Month, a time to consider your goals, set a plan, and love yourself enough to take steps towards self-improvement. Growing your self-confidence, enhancing your self-worth and making your quality of life a priority, are a few of the critically important benefits you can achieve when you take the time to care about your own well-being.

Moreover, research has shown that when you succeed in reaching one goal, it can give you the confidence to attain others. This domino effect can have far-reaching implications that could improve your relationship with others, your work and financial situations, and other areas of your life.

In fact, caring for yourself is not being selfish, it’s about respecting yourself and making the healthiest possible choices. One of the best ways to do this is to eat healthy foods that will nourish your body, and include daily exercise to keep your body strong and well-functioning, to give yourself the energy and positive attitude to handle life’s oftentimes exhausting demands.

Of course, one of the nicest benefits is being able to look in the mirror and feel proud of the way you look and the way your clothes fit. Most importantly, remember that you deserve it! After all, when was the last time that you thought your body was amazing?

Developing strategies that can help you have a new relationship with food, and learning behavioral changes that can help you succeed, can enable you to enjoy the rewards of both a better quality and likely longer life. You’ll find that it’s worth the time to set the goals that will help you on the path to making a better you.

The best part of this September observance is that there are still three more months left of 2019 to accomplish your weight loss goals and transform your body into a healthier and more attractive you. Rather than following the usual New Year’s resolution method, choose to lose the weight before the holidays. This will enable you to have the energy and enthusiasm to participate in your seasonal activities, fit into your holiday clothes, confidently attend holiday functions and spend quality time with those you care about the most.

If you get started now, you’ll be able to begin the New Year with the self-satisfying feeling of already having established a healthy pattern, allowing you to focus on other pleasurable pursuits. So why wait? Get started now with the help available at CardioMender, MD, Weight Loss Specialists.

CardioMender, MD Weight Loss Specialists is South Florida’s most trusted medically supervised weight loss program. We provide customized, safe, rapid weight loss and the means to keep it off. At CardioMender, MD, a doctor is ALWAYS available. Start losing weight today, under the supervision of Chief Medical Officer Barry H. Schiff, MD, a board certified, 32-year veteran, Internist and Board-Certified Cardiologist.

To find out more about how we can help you reach your goals and learn to love your body again, please visit us at or call us at 954-628-3802 to set up your appointment today.


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