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Carol G. Weight Loss Success in Fort Lauderdale

Carol G. Lost 40 LBS – Weight Loss Reviews Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Praise God! 40lbs gone! It’s crazy to think how much extra weight I had accumulated over the years so I decided I had to do something about it. I wanted someone I could trust, be comfortable with and someone with years of experience. I chose Cardiologist Barry H. Schiff, MD because he is not just a doctor but a cardiologist. Dr. Schiff and his team helped me to lose the weight and feel good again.

They medically monitored my progress weekly, suggested ways to help me stay on the plan and always encouraged, never judged. So here I am a year and a half later, 40lbs lighter and excited about making the decision to be a better and healthier Me!

Want to experience weight loss and keep it off? Contact CardioMender today to learn more!

*Results are typical, but cannot be guaranteed.

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