Managing Holiday Challenges
Holiday Eating: Holidays and other celebrations present special challenges. The key to ‘losing’ and ‘maintaining’ a healthy weight is learning how to ‘Live It’!
Maintaining weight loss does not mean excluding food choices. It’s about achieving balance at a healthy weight by learning about yourself and how to best manage foods so that you are able to keep yourself in your ideal predetermined weight range.
Whenever possible during ‘acute weight loss’ we recommend that you stay on plan, i.e. ‘Live it’. However, if that becomes a challenge, the next best thing is to make a conscious decision to have a ‘planned deviation’. This should include getting back on track immediately after the celebration including a follow-up visit with us, scheduled in advance! When the ‘planned deviation’ does not go as intended, it may help to pick up the phone and have a session with Doc or one of our Team Members.
Ultimately, once you have learned and successfully implemented a strategy addressing the realities of how various foods effect your body’s physiology, you will be in control of food as opposed to food being in control of you, and yo-yo dieting will be gone forever!
Call us today to get back on track and to maintain your weight loss goal. You’ve Got to Live IT!TM